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Santorini e Cicladi meridionali  
Partenza da Santorini, unica nota negativa il porto di vlykhada è molto piccolo e si ormeggia in terza o quarta fila e i servizi igienici sono inavvicinabili. Rotta su Ios poi Milos (2gg) Sifnos Paros Folegandros e ritorno a Santorini Consiglio Milos e Folegandros fantastiche le altre bellissime..una settimana è troppo breve avevamo richiesto la wifi proposta dall'armatore a 80€ settimana ma al momento della consegna non è stato chiaro la capacità (2gb?) e il modem richiedeva un login e password e pertanto abbiamo rifiutato, consiglio di precisare meglio di noi la questione all'atto della prenotazione. In questo periodo si può ormeggiare in qualsiasi porto ma consiglierei di evitare Santorini in estate oltre per il Meltemi per il troppo turismo che rende tutto più difficile Il ritorno a Santorini se ormeggiate a Vlychada andate in cima alla scalinata e a 500 mt al ristorante da Meroula e chiedete il Gramelo...merita :-)
Maj 2016, Santorini s plovilom Oceanis 46
Charter družba je odgovorila na tvoje mnenje 10.06.2016

Thank you for your feedback.

I see the general feedback was good. Indeed Santorini base is not the best as a place for sailing yachts but this is how it is constructed.

As for the Wifi it wasn`t clear enough from our base too, but we will make sure it will be for next charters.

Thank you for your feedback again.
Ta odgovor predstavlja osebno mnenje predstavnika charter družbe in ne mnenje Marenauta.
Charter Kefalonia yachting-charter SYCG  
Menziono due charter perche' sinceramente non ho capito quale dei due mi ha noleggiato la barca.Abbiamo avuto da subito problemi con le batterie servizi perche' completamente fuori uso,collegarsi alla colonnina 220 non era possibile perche'saltava immediatamente il salvavita. nel fornello funzionava solo il fuoco piccolo e cucinare la pasta per 10 uomini e' stato un delirio. Dopo 4 giorni causa le batterie antiquate sono andate in corto e hanno bruciato il ponte raddrizzatore dell'alternatore del motore Siamo rimasti quindi senza tensione sia per gli strumenti di navigazione e sia per salpare l'ancora. Solo allora il charter si e' deciso a cambiarci le batterie e l'alternatore,pero'ci hanno costretto a navigare fino ad un porto sulla terraferma senza strumenti e salpando l'ancora a mano,perche' loro non avevano assistenza su nessuna isola.
Maj 2016, Kefalonia s plovilom Bavaria 50 Cruiser
Charter družba je odgovorila na tvoje mnenje 20.06.2016

Client: Upon our arrival in Sami (Kefalonia) the boat was not there and knew not tell us where it was except that it was at sea

Charter Company: They arrived very early in the morning and of course the yacht was not obliged to be there as the contract starts 17:00.


Client: To Saturday, 05/28/16 16:00 tell us that will come 'to 21:30 or propose to take us by car to Fiskardo for

be able to withdraw at 19:30 approximately.

We go to Fiskardo with luggage and galley newly purchased in Sami

Charter Company: Before charter the clients had asked us to reserve them a place in Fiskardo as they wanted to leave right after check in so that they would be able to be in Fiskardo the same night.This is almost impossible in Fiskardo as it is a free and very crouded port.We managed it.As the yacht was transfered from Lefkas base and because they had asked it,we asked them if they would like to deliver the yacht from Fiskardo so that they could earn some time.We informed them that we would have transferred them in our own cost and they accepted it.


Client: galley newly purchased in Sami

Charter Company: why they did that i don't know. It is forbidden to use other equipment than the inventory for the safety of the yacht. Unless they mean cooking pan.


Client: Check-in Fiskardo hasty and clean boat very roughly.

Charter Company: this is a lie. Everything was ok and in order. We will attach the Acceptance Delivery statement with clients signature were he has ticked the cleanliness of the yacht. He has put a V and not a X and signed it.


Client: Since the first evening we realize that the service batteries are old, after a maximum of 20-30 minutes are exhausted completely (8.5 / 9 V max), the stove works only on small fire, and cook for 10 people and truly daunting.

Charter Company: Sunday morning we received a phone call telling us that they have low power and that the big kitchen stove was not working.

We proposed them to go to Agia Efimia which was the closest service point (3 miles), we have to check.


Client: In the morning they propose to navigate up to Efimia Aegina assuring us that it would welcome a technician to fix it

the stove and check the problem of the battery, even if we had the already 'said by telephone that the only way to

solving problems was to replace the batteries and the great fire group 'cause it was all eaten by wear and then entered too much air than gas

Charter Company: The client is not a technician.The batteries were not old and within the life limit. Expiration date after 2017

Two persons of our team, and Makis, checked the yacht in Agia Efimia and found one cable did not touch well in the pole of the battery and we fixed it.We checked the service battery and it was ok.

In the acceptance form i see a V in the kitchen which means that it was ok at check in. Despite that of course it is possible

that something might happen. Our staff found the big fire sensor broken. By the way at check in time our staff saw that they had put provisions placed on the sensor. It is very likely that this careless action they made to brake it and realized it when they tried to use it.


Client: Once in Efimia welcomes us the attendant ormeggiatore the port which was in no way responsible and has done nothing but see the problems and report them by phone to SYC.

Charter Company: That is correct and true. This guy Mr George is the port captain of Agia Efimia. We had called him asking to welcome the boat ,place the yacht to mooring place with mooring line and take a look as he has technical knowledge.After 15 minutes our technician came and when he checked he saw that they had put a very cheap inverter not more than 40 euros that they had connected with the electric panel WITHOUT asking us informing us and taking permission for that.They never informed us that they would like to use an inverter .We should check it first and then allow or not the use of it.We told them that they must not use it.In addition we had the bitter discovery that the huge of 220V fell down when connected to shore.When we delivered the yacht it was ok . Propably this cheap inverter caused this damage.


Client: In addition to Efimia we had the bitter discovery that by connecting the cable to the 220 column jumped the lifesaving boat and then it was not even possible to connect to 220V

Charter Company: In addition we had the bitter discovery that the huge of 220V fell down when connected to shore. When we delivered the yacht it was ok. Probably this cheap inverter caused this damage.


Client: The charter staff then brought us for the evening on Sunday to remain still to Kefalonia and they would send a technician to see to solve the problem of the short circuit in 220, for the cooker of the problem had not the parts, and then


Charter Company: Sunday morning no shops are open to find spare parts.We asked them to stay so that we could make the replacement first thing Monday morning or inform us where they would be the next day Monday, so that we fix it.They desided to leave but before they leave batteries and alternator were checked and found working properly.


Client: We said that the important thing was to replace the batteries and the technician if it was with the batteries we would have expected otherwise not 'cause we would have lost more time and we had holiday mood.

Charter Company: As i said earlier the batteries were checked twice and found in order.There is no reason to change batteries when they are working properly because a client which is not a technician says so.


Client: Therefore it not 'come technician' cause the batteries had not.

Wednesday 'evening while moored in Kalamos (island) batteries literally break out and do burn the alternator


Charter Company: After three days they called us that they run out of batteries and alternator.

How they do sailing and motoring for three days with flatt batteries and burned alternator?

Thursday morning we told them to go oposite Kalamos 30-40 minutes distance so that another of our techicians to check what is happening again.

Indeed the technician saw one burned service battery and burned alternator.Also we saw that they were still using this u proper inverter which we had advised them NOT to use it again.Moreover they didn know how to connect it properly.

We changed batteries and alternator and the yacht is out sailing.


Charter Company: Our estimation is that all these that made us chasing a yacht from port to port are caused to this unproper inverter that they kept on using although we had told them not to. Also they should have known that we never touch heavy things in the kitchen sensor.

Ta odgovor predstavlja osebno mnenje predstavnika charter družbe in ne mnenje Marenauta.
Bella vacanza  
Tempo molto variabile, ma Capraia bellissima! Buona accoglienza del porto e l'organizzazione del campo boe antistante. Nota negativa della base di Cecina: non c'è il distributore di carburante. Occorre andare a Cala de Medici o San Vincenzo. Grave mancanza a mio avviso.
Junij 2016, Cecina s plovilom Cyclades 43.4
Ottime Performance  
Barca con performance sportive (come da denominazione), funzionale e con buona manutenzione. Proprietario super disponibile e supportivo Ottima esperienza
Junij 2016, Nettuno s plovilom Sun Fast 37
La barca si è presentata molto bene come dalle immagini mandate, pulita e funzionante in tutte le sue parti importanti. Unico neo è stato il fatto che ci è stato lasciato il motore del tender con pochissimo carburante e senza averne in barca una tanichetta per il rabbocco. A parte questa spiacevole sorpresa, che comunque è stato utilizzato con i remi in dotazione, la barca ha assolto ad ogni richiesta permettendo una navigazione anche impegnativa (35Knots e 2,5m onda) alla quale abbiamo fatto fare velocità discrete permettendoci una sicura navigazione. A motore poi è stata davvero parsimoniosa e il bow truster ci ha agevolato molto negli approdi.
Junij 2016, Bandol s plovilom Oceanis 41
Traumhaft schöne Amalfiküste  
Moderne sehr gut ausgestattete Marina in Salerno, etwas außerhalb von Salerno. Wir sind mit dem eigenen Auto angereist. Mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln eventuell schwieriger zu erreichen. Flughafentransfer durch den Vercharterer jedoch möglich. Keine großen Distanzen zwischen den Häfen. Jedoch stolze Liegegebühren. Teilweise Voranmeldung empfehlenswert(vor allem Capri).
Maj 2016, Salerno s plovilom Bavaria 37 Cruiser
843 844 845 846 847

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